At HERNANDEZ CASTILLO ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW we help you to decide on the appropriate instruments for protecting your estate.
We offer you advice and counsel so that you can correctly:
1. Have an organized estate:
- Testamentary or Probate Trusts.
- Last Will and Testaments.
2. Estate Planning Trusts.
3. Optimization of tax burdens.
4. Corporate Planning tailored to meet your business needs:
- Holdings.
- Goods/assets and service cooperatives.
- Setting up of:
- Mercantile Corporations in general.
- Civil Enterprise (i.e. a partnership regulated by the civil code).
- Unincorporated Non-Profit Associations, Foundations or Private Assistance Institutions.
- Assemblies.
- Board of Director Sessions.
- Agreements between shareholders.
5. Co-ownership, Joint Ventures and Joint Venture Agreements.
6. Strategic corporate alliances.
7. Mergers and deacquisitions.
8. Exit (or withdrawal) Contracts, Agreements and clauses.
9. Legal forms for the protection of assets and drafting Contracts such as:
- Set- up of Usufructs (the right of use and enjoyment).
- Donation Contracts.
- Purchase-Sale Agreements, in their different forms.
- Mortgages.
- Pledge
- Industrial Pledge.
- Commercial Loan Contracts and Mutuum.
10. Advisory services for improving company cash flow.