Acquisition of Real Property


The Political Constitution of the United States of Mexico and the Foreign Investment Law regulate the status of foreign nationals in the Mexican State insofar as the acquisition of real property. For these purposes, the Mexican territory is classified as:

Restricted Zone. A strip of the national territory that encompasses all land 100 kilometers wide along the Mexican borders and 50 kilometers wide along the Mexican coast. This zone consists of:

  • Residential real property
  • Non-residential real property

The right to acquire ownership, done privately, of the abovementioned real estate in this Zone is reserved exclusively for those who are either Mexican by birth or naturalization and Mexican companies. The rights to the use and development of this Zone may likewise be acquired via an Irrevocable Trust Agreement Transferring Ownership.

Outside the Restricted Zone. This Zone is made up of all the remaining national territory. In this area, foreigners may acquire direct ownership (private property).