More About Us
The law firm of HERNÁNDEZ CASTILLO ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW was established by bilingual (Spanish-English) Attorneys-at-Law with the purpose of offering updated, current and professional corporate advisory services to the Mexican and foreign investor.
At HERNÁNDEZ CASTILLO ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, we provide conscientious, organized, and efficient legal services, with a quick turn-around time, and to that effect rely on equipment and technology which are indispensable in order to comply in a timely fashion with the work entrusted, swiftly and responsibly responding to the those needs. As such and since every attorney has a specific job and function, we have an area-based organization scheme in place allowing us to assign a client request to the area (or areas) that will follow-up on said request, following through to completion.
In addition, our legal advice is geared towards establishing and maintaining a culture of preventive strategies for our clients, which represents a true savings in both time and money and, most importantly, fosters a legal certainty among entrepreneurs and investors, because, as the saying goes, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”.
The most important policies of HERNÁNDEZ CASTILLO ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW aspire to secure that those professionals who provide services in the firm regularly attend continuing education courses, that they speak at least two languages, and that they can be reached at any hour and any day of the week.
In order for us to better serve you, our business hours are from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, Monday through Friday, and 9:00 am to 1:00 pm on Saturdays.
Because of our professional expertise, knowledge, honesty, organization and availability, we take the guesswork out of which legal firm is the best choice for your investment and/or company.